Is your budget over $10k USD?

Does your idea need to extract or user location-based elements?

Ex: Uber, Google Maps, Foursquare etc.

Do you need to notify users in real time via push notifications on the move?

Do you need to deliver information in real-time?

Is there traffic if I turn right at the next street?

Is mobile your core differentiation from competition?

For instance, Snapchat made a difference in extracting younger user base from Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Need access to features native to your phone like notifications or sensor info?

For example, Runtastic app automatically tracks any walking, cycling, and running you do using sensor info from your iPhone.

Do you need to have a full range of presence across separate platforms equally?

Ex- iPhones, Android, iPads, web etc.

Does your idea focus on communication on the move?

Ex - WhatsApp, Telegram etc.

Does your idea require file sharing, uploading and accessibility? Is that your main focus?

Ex - Dropbox, Box, Google, Drive etc.

Is your budget over $25k?

Better budget, better technology, fewer problems.